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Squads, Missions, Experience!




I’ve been leveling my character and I notice that there isn’t much of an incentive to be into squads other than communication and sharing mob kills. I remember watching the show that this game draws inspiration from and squads were a huge system that allowed Genin “lowbies” to be grouped with Chuunin/Jounin and have higher mission success rates. Also kept in mind Shinobi strengths and weaknesses and allowed them to work together in balance. 

I feel that this would be a nice add-on to make the game more new-player friendly. I felt I went through a personal journey when leveling my character (only level 36 now) which is nice & I’m sure every village is different but in the Leaf Village it feels very empty most of the time I play... aside from the regulars.

So as a lower level and even now I find myself asking for help in missions a lot. Waging War... Bounty Hunt...Spy Mission...Recover Documents these missions require going out and battling PVP which you would get lucky and find someone around your level. Most of the time it was a level 50+ roaming looking for kills or by the luck just run into you. This forces people, especially new players to abandon the mission or just get tired of the game. If I wasn’t a big Naruto fan, I probably wouldn’t continue either. I know it draws inspiration so it’s not meant to be exactly like the anime- but Genin just out of the academy need some help with missions like that.

Most of the time, villagers would be too busy, relaxing or sparring. No problem with that because it is an RP game. But for those that aren’t high level and need some assistance I believe there should be some way to make higher levels want to help lower levels and get more rewarded other than just a “Thank You.” 


• Squad EXP should increase your experience rather than decrease. (I understand the idea of splitting the workload therefore you should split the experience.) But again, its just a way to get people to squad up more efficiently than sharing kills. Speaking from an RP sense- even if the Jounin was in a squad with Genin, they would learn substantially more about battle tactics than if they were Genin by themselves. So maybe only limiting the increased EXP to CHUUNIN, SJ & JOUNIN that are on squads with Genin. 

• When selecting a mission in a squad, if you are too high of a level the mission does not activate for others. When you are in a squad, completing the mission does not share experience. I feel that if someone in the group has Waging War and someone else has Bounty Hunting you all work together to get the team’s mission done- because you all put in the effort to help each other complete missions, you should be rewarded at least in a percentage of their mission experience. 

If a Chuunin or higher rank (Or even Genin) is a higher level and is in a squad with lower levels. If they select a mission, they can actually select to use their mission experience on themselves and a percentage to their squad. Or it is split among the group. So say if they are maxed level 60 with no more experience left to gain. They can still do missions to help lower levels and build another status in the village known as “Prestige”. Something that shows your helpfulness to OTHERS in the village. 

Things to avoid:

People exploiting the system so that they can just relax in the village and get power leveled by people completing their missions. 



I understand some of my ideas may overlap or contradict one another. Some of my ideas may not even work with the system. But it’s just to get the idea out there- I’m not doubting it hasn’t been talked about. The community is very enjoyable and I like the friendly trash talk with other villages / organization. I also enjoy the content being put out even this NEW SNAKE SUMMON. Nice! But I think it’s a nice way to keep higher levels to help the lowbies and help new players feel like they have a chance. The amount of times I’ve seen people abandon danger dango mission because of higher levels is high & that’s a very low level mission.

ps. This is meant for discussion please bring fire to this topic. Thanks a lot. See you in game! Will edit if I think of anything else. 

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  On 12/30/2020 at 5:15 PM, Tensai said:

I agree, something should be done to encourage partying more.  I'm still a lowbie, but I find myself refusing to party with lower levels or even help with their missions even if it's a little bit out of my way, because I have to prioritize leveling up myself.  And I appreciate when higher lvl people choose to help me with my missions, but I feel bad that they get little or nothing out of it themselves. 

Something I've been thinking of lately that's similar to your ideas, is maybe assigning Jonin/Chunin genin(s), or allowing them to choose genin(s) (maybe up to 3 max)  to "mentor".  If your genin completes missions while you're in a party with them, then you get something like 25% of that exp or a certain amount of ryo).  I think this would be good for the game, since it actively encourages/rewards veteran players to help out lowbies.  It would be a way to get a veteran to have a valid choice between grinding some high lvl mob on their own (or whatever veterans do), or partying with their genin(s) for an equivalent award (the latter choice being better for more people).  And while some vets do this already, I imagine even more vets will go out of their way to mentor a new player if something like this were implemented.  Also, new players will feel more welcomed and able to get help when they want it - and maybe not bug the vets who choose to opt out of the system since they'll have their designated mentor to go to whenever they need help with a mission (a mentor who will have an incentive to help each time). 

Another idea I had was having some sort of squad system - separate from the current system - where you choose 3 people to squad up with, and whenever you party with all 3 squad members, you get like a 10% exp boost (2 squad members you get +5%).  Maybe a way to implement it would be to make it so you can't change squads for 2 weeks for example, so you can't just abuse the system and squad up with anyone you party with. I think this would encourage some coordination with friends, and encourage them to want to meet up and do their dailies/grind together.  Maybe even implement a "squad" daily mission - that you can only take and complete with your whole squad present.

I think your ideas and systems like these would really help improve the new player experience and provide more opportunities for RP.


(Edit: Tensai didn't say this but idk how to edit out that part xD

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Throwin my two cents on this.

I think the way squad operate right now is fine. Grinding in squad at lower level is better if everyone work at the same pace, rather than doing it alone.

I think to make early levels more attractive, they should create more side-missions for lower levels especially to make the leveling process more smooth and enjoyable.

I think that another optional one time side-mission for those that want to grind more should be added. Something like slaying (0/200) Larva. Reward would be focused on EXP & RYO, maybe throw a blank scroll in there as well.


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