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Int WM needs a balance change @Yamikami please work your magic

darth vader-OLD-2025


There once was a man with 100,000,000 ryo. He had a wind style chakra nature and he was a weapon master. For every time someone opposed this man; he would use a full cloak combo and their health would deplete completely. Being the financially smart man he is, he never gambled, and he certainly never thought that his money would ever drain away; that is... until... DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN


The man, scared nearly to death at the thought of having no ryo checked his wallet again at again and alas he had no ryo anywhere. He looked under the Takumi hospital couch, he asked Guren and Gafuki and none have seen his ryo and then it clicked.... He had to pay for more and more ninja tools every time he. ran. out. The man was approached by a shinobi wearing a black robe and a spiral mask, sword on back and hilt in hand. The shinobi said "You broke little man, you are NOTHING without your ninja tools. SWORDSMAN STYLE: CRESCENT MOON BEHEADING!!!" The once rich and powerful man's head rolled onto the floor from the shinobi's technique. 

Nice story, eh? 

Great. Guess what? That story is a reality for every single int weapon master user out here. Triple explosive tag, Exploding Spiked Ball, Shadow Shuriken, Wind Shuriken, Explosive Kunai all require tools to use. That's okay, cool at first glance except for the fact if you do the math?

400 x 3 = 1200 Village or NPC Shop in Asoki/Tigers/Tanzaku
260 x 3 = 780. Takumi

It's way too expensive! It needs a change and @Yamikami here is the only one that is capable of making @Ueda change his mind around here eh? Please @Yamikami. Help us. You are our only hope. 

Otherwise... we will all end up like the man in the story... DEAD AND BROKE. Ty. 

PS: I only have 4 ryo left. I started the week with 20,000. 

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I am an int wm /wind user too and I 100% agree that int wm is just too expensive other than bear trap Jutsu every single Jutsu takes tools to use which adds up quickly.

further, if you hunt regularly as an int wm you need to buy a full refill for tools each day.

my suggestion would be to make the Tripple tag technique only take 1 tag to use and maybe make shadow Shuri not take a shuriken to use also as an int wm you should be able to stack more tools.

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8 hours ago, Korva said:

Using a tool for the jutsu is the trade off for having low CDs, low chakra cost and high damage. Changing that would ruin the balance. If it costs too much money then play STR WM/Fan as that is a much better build anyways.

Have to agree with Korva here, what you pay in ryo is why int WM is so strong.

Frankly it wouldn't be possible to make the cost less without making the mastery a lot weaker as a result.

I personally wouldn't want to see a change like that, as Yuki said you can farm quite efficiently to make some money if that's what you need.

Heck use your alt to farm blanks and you can make some decent cash to pay for your tools.

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Well i have an idea that might work without weakening the mastery 


Couple months ago rory added a feature making it possible to learn the same jutsu several times n having them at different lvls gor exemple u could have both earth prison and great earth prison at the same time but using one will have both on CD

I think we could use this on some int wm jutsus take explosive kunai for example lvl 1~3 would consume way more chakra but no tool but once it evolves it would consume tools we could bring this in the other int wm jutsus  

The problem with this method is the jutsu cap thingy  you'll have to make couple choices here and there maybe you'd rather the high chakra consuming trap jutsus and use tool for the projectiles eventually the choice would be up to u 


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