New Server Software!


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As of about an hour ago, we have pushed another optimized version of the server that addresses some lag spikes / hanging that was prevalent in both the old server and the new server yesterday :) It's thanks to the new modern IDE that we were able to find quickly what the issue was and resolve it.

This is still just the start!

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Today @TheWolf has put out one more update, this time I can safely say that Ping/Latency will be the least of issues for most people from now on.
We are still working on the new client which will address FPS lag, but for the time being, this has been a great update for Nin Online!
If you've had a bad time in the past due to latency, I urge you to give it another try!

Personally my Ping has went from 350-500 unstable to 290 stable.
Seth has also noted that his latency is almost the same with or without ExitLag.

The networking library that the server uses has been replaced with a modern networking library that should theoretically support thousands of players. However, our implementation of it is still not perfect. We'll keep at it! Cheer Nin on!

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9 hours ago, Gallighanmaker said:

You're using Lidgren?.

I'm using mirror/apathy on my unity game and works like a charm, awesome lib take a look just in case.



Nice progress and its awesome to read this topic. It's a pain in the a** change server/client for another "language".

We're using Telepathy so basically the same!

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