Event Rotation


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This post was made to let the players know about the Event Rotation system I've been working on in hopes to better schedule not only event's but my personal life around NinOnline, in this post i'm going to discus each event, rules and the details concerning them and the Category of which they reside in.


Major Event

Chunin Exams


This is a village based event based around Promotions and stages of exams which focus on different aspects of game play such as Teamwork, Individual Skill and Character. Note that the Kage can choose to promote based on whatever he deems worthy.

It's an RP/PVP Event and should be treated as such.


Stay in character

Follow the directions of the Kage, Proctor's and attending NinOnline Staff

Don't spam the chat

Stay Online and Active

War Event


I have no information on how I will run this event as I haven't seen or been shown how to do so yet. so for now know i'm working on figuring that out!

Minor Event


Players will be matched up in a traditional seeding Bracket, which can go from 1v1's to 4v4's


No Pill's, Oil's, Summon's or Org Items

Charms are allowed


Survival Event

Players join in an all out war where everyone is fending for themselves alone, the goal is to be the last man standing.


No Org Items

Pill's, Oil's and Summon's and Charms are allowed

Teaming is not allowed


Free For All

Players will fight until the last man standing, FFA's usually take place after tournaments or other miscellaneous events.


No Org Items

Pill's, Oil's and Summon's and Charms are allowed

Teaming is Allowed until the final 4



Players will take place in a quiz that can be based on either NinOnline or the Naruto Universe


Don't Attack or use Jutsu

Follow the direction's of the Host or attending NinOnline Staff

Don't Flicker out of the box's


Paper Rock Scissors

Player will take turns playing paper rock scissors against other players


Don't make your move until the /321 emote is finished "Go"


Capture the Bell

Player's will battle to take control of the bell, the last person to hold the bell at the end of the 2 minute timer wins


Don't start until the /321 emote is finished "Go"

Follow the directions of the Host or attending NinOnline Staff


Retrieve the Bell

Two teams of 4 will compete against each other to grab the enemy's bell and take it to their teams side


Don't start until the /321 emote is finished "Go"

Follow the directions of the Host or attending NinOnline Staff


Player Made Event's

Player's are encouraged to plan their own events and can submit them to any NinOnline Game Master


Follow the directions of the Host or attending NinOnline Staff


Forum Event

RP Story

This event can change in many ways, but the main point to stay in character and build some type of story


Note's: When inquiring to join any of these events (Aside form Major Events) refrain from spamming the Host or attending NinOnline Staff's PM's

Most event's will be Scheduled in advance from this point on, this does Include Player Event's if given enough time in advance to prep for it 


Thank you!


Edited by Erox
Added the Survival Event
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