Upcoming Change to Fans


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Yeah definitely gonna need a stat reset. To be honest int characters will be simply stronger for having fans in sand. I don't know about having this only in sand. Fans add a lot of utility to int masteries which lack in interrupts. It will be sad to see them go.

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  On 1/28/2019 at 8:43 AM, Riley said:

Remove the knockback from the 20 str fans and boom easy fix.



  On 1/28/2019 at 8:30 AM, Ara said:

oorrr just keep it for wind mastery only instead ?



  On 1/28/2019 at 11:40 AM, Shirohae said:

100% agree



missing the point. He wants sand to be unique/different. not because hes tryna balance it or someshit

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  On 1/28/2019 at 3:52 PM, Kamisama said:

I never saw a leaf ninja in the show with a fan, so why would they get them ingame? Only makes sense tbh.  Like the change, people only got it for the knockback. Now alot of people may lose their fighting power ;>


I only remember Temari using a fan in the anime, from Sand. This argument is only valid for keeping fan for wind/str wind.

It'd only be okay for everyone in a village to use it if it didn't give them an advantage, which right now it does. Make it cosmetic, then let even lv1s use it if you wanna. Only fan mastery should have the knockback.

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The main issue a lot of people have with fan is not that Leaf can use it but the fact that an element mastery which is full of instant casts and god knows what can equip a fan and stop casts without having to use their CC jutsu to do so, they can also use the fan knockback to land their instant cast jutsu more easily. STR Fan is at least balanced by the fact it has a lot of selfstuns so the fan knockback and cast stopping isn't that much of an issue.

Fan knockback/cast stopping should be limited to the fan mastery. Fan is missing a lvl 35 jutsu which could easily be made into a buff jutsu which makes your melee knockback/cast stop. The logic behind the jutsu would be that the user starts focusing more strength into their swings causing their melee attacks to start knocking back.

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  On 1/28/2019 at 11:27 AM, Lumy said:

Just put it for str wind users only, it’s the easiest way. It doesn’t make sense that a fan doesn’t knock back and cancel cast imho. If only str wind people can use it I don’t think anyone will have a problem with it. 


It really should be sand wind, not sand in general. 

If we're out here changing to to make it more logical and fair, how it logical or fair that an earth/light from sand can continue to use a weapon not really meant for them, but a leaf earth/light can't.



Edit: Lookit all these people suddenly yelling "remove knockback" now that they can't use it anymore.


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So we're really gonna sit here and act like we can definitively proclaim that Temari is and int wind user opposed to a str wind user, when the fan and str fan jutsus are presumably based off her..?

And you have the audacity to challenge anyone else's logic. Rofl. Really reaching here.

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