Chunin exam arena & more!


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Because actual gameplay doesn't really start until you become a genin. If you have to be stuck as an academy student and can't go on missions until Genin exam events take place, then a large number of people will never actual make it into the game.

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  On 7/21/2013 at 12:23 PM, Shizuo said:

The only "generation" thing I want to be written down is if you had a permadeath, then it should say that you're 2nd generation of your kin/lineage, if you had 2 permadeaths, then 3rd generation and so on...

I actually agree with this


a generation after every month?? i don't get it

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  On 7/21/2013 at 5:51 AM, Rory said:

Or each month maybe?

If its important, we can have records of which month you graduated, and give it a numerical name.


This would be nice not only for what you thinking of using it for but also the RPG side of the game, could also add more data to this like similar to the databook categories. 

  • Chuunin Promotion Age/Time
  • ANBU Age/Time

And etc.


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