RE: Cheaters & Apology


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There's been some uproar recently about alleged GM abuse. After further investigation, we had found that multiple character accounts had been edited by Jessica, a staff member was removed from the team for abuse recently. The players who had immediately confessed to having cheated their way to max level had their items removed and were given warnings. However, so far one player who kept quiet until now and gone under our radar has since been permanently banned.

We give each staff member a certain amount of trust. In the case of Jessica, she had abused the lesser powers she had been given properly to create a developer account for herself, which was then abused to help players cheat in ways she shouldn't have been able to. This loophole has been prevented for future instances. She was also able to misuse trust of GM ability to warp players, to move players into our GM room where accounts can be modified, which we have since prevented.

Other instances of alleged staff abuse has been looked into and while some investigation has allowed problematic decisions to come to light, none of the other reported instances so far have been concluded as abuse of power. In some cases, these are questionable decisions staff are allowed to make, even if they may seem unfair. Such as clearing display name history for a player who is being bullied. However, as we speak, we are reviewing what should and shouldn't be allowed for fairness.

Alongside this, some other staff members who have broken our internal guidelines have been removed recently.

I would like to apologize for allowing this cheating instances and other instances of staff misconduct to go under the radar, and promise to do better in cleaning up messes such as this in the future for the game service. If you find anything out of order, or strange, do report it to me directly. Everything that happens in the game is logged down to minuscule details and so if brought to our attention, we can easily spot cheaters.


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In addition, I would like to thank the honest members of the community, many of which has come forward to tell me that they had gained items or levels illegally. As well as vigilant, dedicated players with eagle eyes sharp enough to spot when things don't seem right.

Good work!

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