Alpha Progress Update


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  On 1/20/2015 at 9:51 PM, Rain No Amaya said:

Does this give us enough time for the Newbies to get into the Alpha? If so I'll drop some cash on Gold right now.


We're transitioning to a new Early Access model, I know Early Access has ruined the games industry or well made it worse, but the main issue is team motivation - it is hard to make a game with no drive. Having people play a game is more drive than getting paid in my opinion, working for hours with no reward is very stressful, so when people give negative feedback, it makes the job even harder. Basically, what we plan to do is allow people in the Early Access group to play the game as it is developed, once we finish the next Development Log, it will be open to them, and eventually open to all the donators/veterans. Once we know the game is ready for everyone, we will open it for good and continue to develop as we planned to do.

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  On 1/21/2015 at 9:57 AM, Seth said:


We're transitioning to a new Early Access model, I know Early Access has ruined the games industry or well made it worse, but the main issue is team motivation - it is hard to make a game with no drive. Having people play a game is more drive than getting paid in my opinion, working for hours with no reward is very stressful, so when people give negative feedback, it makes the job even harder. Basically, what we plan to do is allow people in the Early Access group to play the game as it is developed, once we finish the next Development Log, it will be open to them, and eventually open to all the donators/veterans. Once we know the game is ready for everyone, we will open it for good and continue to develop as we planned to do.

Gotcha. Darn, I wish I wudda got early access.=_=

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  On 1/21/2015 at 6:43 PM, Rain No Amaya said:

Gotcha. Darn, I wish I wudda got early access.=_=


Members with Gold Ninja or Silver Ninja that have been a member a year get it for free.



  On 1/21/2015 at 11:06 PM, Meisai said:

Awesome news! I'm excited to see what new content is implemented. Keep pushing forward, fellas.


Thanks. :D


I awarded you both Early Access.

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  On 1/31/2015 at 12:16 PM, Akiro said:

Seth can i get early access pls, although i am active and acutally do post and attempt to be a member of this shite and not go away for a year and come back for freez stuff


You already got it? :o


I know he only posted once, but some people don't like to post.

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  On 1/31/2015 at 12:43 PM, Seth said:

You already got it? :o


I know he only posted once, but some people don't like to post.

I'm just saying there are hundreds of others who actually stay with the community who actually deserve it, instead of being online for 2 days and posted once,


but meh not my game

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  On 1/31/2015 at 5:56 PM, Akiro said:

but meh not my game


All they got to do is post or private message me that they want it. I don't have the time to go through all the users manually. If I see someone post that has a registration date in 2013, I will typically give it to them without them asking for it.

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  On 1/31/2015 at 9:16 PM, Seth said:

All they got to do is post or private message me that they want it. I don't have the time to go through all the users manually. If I see someone post that has a registration date in 2013, I will typically give it to them without them asking for it.


Member Since 23 Sep 2013


I visit daily and help advertise the game on my games list 

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