Controls Guide


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  • 4 weeks later...

I always prefered "double-press" over "hold an extra key" to self-cast something.


The problem with double pressing, is that the client will have to wait before sending to verify that you aren't double pressing. Although, we will look into it later down the road. :)

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The only problem I have is the "player-target" key.


I don't really have that Key on my laptop so basically, during all last Alpha, I couldn't target any player which always put me at a disadvantage in pvp.

I basically tried every Key on my laptop but it didn't work.

The only way to target a player was to hit him first or to try and click on him with the mouse.

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something like this :


and it doesn't work when auto-targeting players :(


You need to use this key `.


We will add rebinding later, for now we just are worrying about the basics. The reason why it isn't Shift + Tab, is because Shift is the run trigger and will cause incompatibility issues with the input.

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You need to use this key `.


We will add rebinding later, for now we just are worrying about the basics. The reason why it isn't Shift + Tab, is because Shift is the run trigger and will cause incompatibility issues with the input.


OK Seth, I'll try next time the game's up.


But honestly, i tried all the keys, even tried Shift+All Keys and even changing from French (yes, it's a French keyboard) to English... Must be doing something wrong. Don't really worry about it, if I still have trouble when the game is back up, I'll let the staff know!


Thanks for your time anyway and good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

We've added full numpad support in the game. The control guide will be updated soon, and there will be a control guide available in the game sometime later in the future.

  • You can use the numbers to execute your items and Jutsus on the hotbar while NumLock is on.
  • You can move in the game without having to use arrow keys while NumLock is off using 8, 4, 6, and 2.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know where to put this, because it is not really a bug.


I can't use the button above the tab, to target other players. This is because I have another button there because I have an azerty-keyboard intead of qwerty. So whenever I am fighting someone, I need to click on them to target them. This is really annoying and difficult.


Hopefully someone can find a solution for this.

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Erm just a prob on my part can we edit these i mean not everyone is ok with ctrl being attack i could get used to it but i owuldnt mind setting up my own stuff


We're going to make right click interact and attack depending upon what you are doing. Mouse controls are being worked on for the next patch, as well as refined tab target. We're getting rid of ` entirely, making it much more simple. Sure, it will cut down on the efficiency of player targeting, but we need  to make sure everyone can use our controls in alpha. Shift + Tab interferes with running. Control feels the best with the setup we have, it is easy to use WASD, Shift, and Control together. Any other key would be hard.

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