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Alternate Bijuu System



Instead of having a Bijuu system where one person controls the bijuu and is completely over-powered, I believe it would be better if each village had their own Bijuu in a dungeon where other villages could raid. 


By attacking another villages Bijuu, the attackers Bijuu would get stronger while the Bijuu being attacked would get weaker.  A strong Bijuu could have benefits, such as an XP boost for the village.  Each village's Bijuu would be EXTREMELY over powered, requiring villages to attack in groups to damage it.


I believe that a system like this would encourage a village to work together, giving the Kage and high-ranked ninja the ability to plan attacks.  Also, it offers a major PvM element for those who don't like PvP. 


For example:

5 Sound ninjas attack Leaf's bijuu, who has a current level of 5000.  After doing some damage, the Sound ninjas get the Leaf Bijuu down to level 4996, in turn making the Sound Bijuu level 5004.  If the default level for each Bijuu was 5000, Sound's Bijuu would be a +4, which would make every Sound Villager have an XP boost since it's Bijuu has a positive rating. 


Just a suggestion loosely based off a naruto browser game I used to play.  Rate/Hate/Masturbate

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I'd rather have it that the Bijuu of each village (Ex: Kurama to Konoha) be attacked at certain time intervals, (a day, week, ect), in which the village must defend, the lower levels preferably hiding so as not to get in the way, or forced by a game system. At this point it could be a RP event. Either way, the village can either defeat or be defeated, and if they win the village and all its members get a temporary boost until the next attack or until a certain time before it, and if they lose nothing happens or they get a debuff to themselves because of it. This way no villages would become too strong due to repeatedly attacking another village's bijuu and make them extremely weak, increasing the balance of power. This would also be able to be put in well before other villages are finished, so as to spice up Konoha and the early game.


While we're on that topic, hopefully villages wont be able to make pacts with eachother.

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This would probably make first village to kill some bijuu op, wouldnt it? They would have 10 000 bijuu and extreme XP boost making them by far strongest village. Maybe making bijuu cap like 7000 or so, because they could just kill one or two bijuus and their village would have much more higher lvl because of the huge boost, therefore dominating other villages and killing more and more bijuus.


You're right.  So I guess my solution to this would be to make the bijuu reset every week or month. 


@ Good idea, but I'm not liking how players would have to log-on at a certain time to partake in the event.

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I like the idea, I wouldn't want an overpowered player. If a player is able to become a Bijuu holder, then it would encourage a lot of powergame and metagame, especially if Roleplaying is involved in the game. So I like the basic idea of each village of having their own bijuu npc captured. Now, we just need to build on from there. I just feel before we go on with this, we need jutsu's and get a feel of the fighting system. 

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I like Wolf's idea. 

@Rory, Ragnarok's WoE was the ish. When you become capped, you kinda lived for that stuff to be a mentor to the newer players. :)


A little tweak I would like to add is that, instead of the Bijuu losing/gaining levels, why not have the exp boost when the players kill the Bijuu.


Example: Leaf raids, kills Sand's Bijuu and gets a 50% exp boost whilst Sand loses 50% exp gain for about an hour, then it resets. I guess it's quite NNG-like but they had the right idea...

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Beating the bijuu should just be an event that boosts the whole village like extra money on mission or extra experience while leveling. If you seal it within a jinchuuriki. It would just disturb the balance and only make an individual taking an advantage of it. I think we should stick to a solution where the whole village gets the benefit of this tailed-beast not just one person who can go rogue with it or whatever

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Would it be a good idea to have the 9 bijuu (Idk about 10, seems to be too much, maybe Joint Shinobi Alliance kinda event down the road?) sort of, random in appearance? Then somehow the villagers capture one for their own village and have to maintain it like this topic says with the sort of raid boss style fights and bonuses of having the bijuu? Not that haveing more tails gives you more power, but different beats provided different challenges with unique moves?


Maybe Kage can negotiate for bijuu trades, (risky for everyone handling the bijuu while trade is happening) or capture of another villages bijuu would be possible, giving you control, (definitely more difficult than trading) but at reduced bonuses, that you will have to work to increase just like everyone else, for being a no good theif. ):<


Hopefully Bijuu won't be power ranked by tail #, just so no one can hog the best one and have the lowest chance of losing it.


Edit: My bad if anyone posted this kind of idea already. D:

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My suggestion is this. In order to avoid people complaining about Bijuu being "OP", despite the fact that this is an RP driven story-line game, and to avoid people getting "Main Character Syndrome":



Split each Bijuu's power among the village it belongs to by a certain number. You could even go by tails, perhaps.


For instance, rhetorically, if you make each Bijuu the same relative strength and split it into nine parts, that means each village has nine people that can have that particular Bijuu's chakra. Now, that's just a ballpark number. Nothing to do with any sort of actual balance. But by dividing each beast's chakra up, it makes it so that nobody can go "full Bijuu mode". It also makes it a novelty, but not a particularly overpowering one. On top of that, it means more players can have access to the skill-sets that each beast provides. Once the game's playerbase picks up seriously, this would mean that it'd still be to the point where only a fraction of players had it, and they'd be determined by admins or the Kage of each village, or a combination of both.


Just a suggestion, though.



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@ EagleyedNinja, you probably should just make the post again, or ask for it to be moved to Suggestions. I wouldn't want someone posting in my Topics to draw attention away like that. Just me, though.



Edit: If you do end up making Shukaku the weakest, and Kurama the strongest, and the other beast's strength according to tail number, can you have Sharingan Control Rp events? These would cause a bijuu rampage and you would have to fight it and find/fight the Sharingan user NPC. Just so villages with the most tails are not always the strongest.

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This is probably one of the best ideas I've heard about the implementation of the Bijuu.  I really like it and I think the game would be more even and fun if we did it like this.  For example when a village has a war against another village the Anbu and high level ninja would need to protect their gates and sectors so that the enemy village doesn't get down to the Bijuu.  Sort  of like how Age of Wushu is based, on Guild wars.

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I like the idea, but I think having real bijuus in the game will give many people goals, and with goals motivation. Maybe adding something else into the game like ninja scrolls that villages can capture for temporary exp boosts for the villagers. Having Bijuu like this would leave Akatsuki without motive, and I'm sure other missing factions motives. There will always be a stronger player, its not hard to work with your allies and bring them down.

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Akatsuki could have their own hideout where-in they can store all the bijuu. It would be hard to get into like in the manga, except you can fight the bijuu and bring it to your village while Akatsuki members (players are Akat, or Rp NPC?) try to stop you. I think this would work out fine. @God


One issue, is Akatsuki even going to be in Nin-Online? In the game I played it wasn't selected by the strongest missing/traitor nins, and always ended up being the same group every time they wiped the player base for big updates, and a new beginning. (I don't want to seem like I'm trying to start a new topic here. I figure Akatsuki are all about the Bijuu, so it is related)

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I think there should be a chance, depending on the village you are born in, to be born with a bijuu inside of you. A very small percent chance upon creation. 


To be clear lets just say a 2% chance upon creation and you get it. Then if your in rock village you would get one of the bijuu from that village. Once you have it there is no chance to get that beast until your character is killed/rebirth... if that makes sense... 

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Or let the Kage choose their Jinchuriki. Maybe even only allow Jinchuriki to use their Bijuu powers during wars? This way each side has one (if from different villages) because the Kage chose one and it won't be OP when regularly playing.

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Or let the Kage choose their Jinchuriki. Maybe even only allow Jinchuriki to use their Bijuu powers during wars? This way each side has one (if from different villages) because the Kage chose one and it won't be OP when regularly playing.

Its just logical that a Jinchuuriki gets a stat boost just for having the bijuu inside of it, now imagine controlling it. I agree about Kage choosing, really, thats how it should be, but you first gotta defeat/seal it.

I think there should be a chance, depending on the village you are born in, to be born with a bijuu inside of you. A very small percent chance upon creation. 


To be clear lets just say a 2% chance upon creation and you get it. Then if your in rock village you would get one of the bijuu from that village. Once you have it there is no chance to get that beast until your character is killed/rebirth... if that makes sense... 

Do you even realize how damn high that percent is? 2% is fucking high dude, no sarcasm intended, I'd change it by a 0'2% and thats a lot already. We're not talking about something you can find anywhere and  you can get soloing, talking about a bijuu here, a game's boss, over powered beings that make the huge diffference of getting the power of a whole crowd of players (lets say 20+), which still could not defeat you because you 1 hit kill them.

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