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Alternate Bijuu System



Instead of having a Bijuu system where one person controls the bijuu and is completely over-powered, I believe it would be better if each village had their own Bijuu in a dungeon where other villages could raid. 


By attacking another villages Bijuu, the attackers Bijuu would get stronger while the Bijuu being attacked would get weaker.  A strong Bijuu could have benefits, such as an XP boost for the village.  Each village's Bijuu would be EXTREMELY over powered, requiring villages to attack in groups to damage it.


I believe that a system like this would encourage a village to work together, giving the Kage and high-ranked ninja the ability to plan attacks.  Also, it offers a major PvM element for those who don't like PvP. 


For example:

5 Sound ninjas attack Leaf's bijuu, who has a current level of 5000.  After doing some damage, the Sound ninjas get the Leaf Bijuu down to level 4996, in turn making the Sound Bijuu level 5004.  If the default level for each Bijuu was 5000, Sound's Bijuu would be a +4, which would make every Sound Villager have an XP boost since it's Bijuu has a positive rating. 


Just a suggestion loosely based off a naruto browser game I used to play.  Rate/Hate/Masturbate

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As far as EXP boost goes, I would suggest another thing in return but I don't want to get off topic but personally if you're aiming for village cooperation, again, my suggestion would in all honesty be better in that aspect because what you're talking about is a whole village raid from what I read. Not a whole village is always going to be willing to raid one other village for exp boost since capped players won't get any real benefit from it. It would also be unfair to the apposing village if they've got less logged in villagers on to effect an entire villages exp. I mean I'm alright with your suggestion but you're not really talking about A Bijuu suggestion, you're talking about something like a...mix between Capture the flag & tower defense, not sure how to explain it. If you've ever played the game Castle Crashers, you're basically talking about that game because that's what it reminded me of when I read this.

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Not a whole village is always going to be willing to raid one other village for exp boost since capped players won't get any real benefit from it.


I'm sure this game will have a better training system than games on Byond, and a lot for things for 'capped' players to do.


I'm just suggesting this as an alternate way to incorporate Bijuu into the game, as opposed to the system of one person having a Bijuu and being completely over-powered.


 I feel you on that less logged in villagers thing though, don't know how we will work around that.  Maybe this will just be an incentive for players to play more?

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Well lets assume we have a giant player base, I still think we could do the whole exp gain a different way. I'd suggest some things right now like village captures, wars, etc. but I'm too lazy to suggest anything more while I'm on my phone. I'd suggest something else because what you're suggesting (not that there is anything wrong with it) isn't related to the show canon wise. At least not the Bijuu part.

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I'd suggest something else because what you're suggesting (not that there is anything wrong with it) isn't related to the show canon wise. At least not the Bijuu part.


We can't relate the show directly to this game.  That would mean the hokage, everyone with a bijuu, ANBU, jounin, and everyone else would have to be online and accesible ALL day.  That obviously can't happen, which is why certain elements of the Naruto world have to be altered.  MMORPG's, even if they are fan-based, rely heavily on creative game design to be succesful.

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There's a difference I find in being creative in altering the Naruto elements & completely rearranging what it does. No one needs to be online 24/7 in order for systems to work. For example the Bijuu could be reset every 24 hours or 48 hours or so if the player isn't online, no biggie, honestly.

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Instead of having a Bijuu system where one person controls the bijuu and is completely over-powered, I believe it would be better if each village had their own Bijuu in a dungeon where other villages could raid. 


By attacking another villages Bijuu, the attackers Bijuu would get stronger while the Bijuu being attacked would get weaker.  A strong Bijuu could have benefits, such as an XP boost for the village.  Each village's Bijuu would be EXTREMELY over powered, requiring villages to attack in groups to damage it.


I believe that a system like this would encourage a village to work together, giving the Kage and high-ranked ninja the ability to plan attacks.  Also, it offers a major PvM element for those who don't like PvP. 


For example:

5 Sound ninjas attack Leaf's bijuu, who has a current level of 5000.  After doing some damage, the Sound ninjas get the Leaf Bijuu down to level 4996, in turn making the Sound Bijuu level 5004.  If the default level for each Bijuu was 5000, Sound's Bijuu would be a +4, which would make every Sound Villager have an XP boost since it's Bijuu has a positive rating. 


Just a suggestion loosely based off a naruto browser game I used to play.  Rate/Hate/Masturbate

It's definitely better than the suggestions for Bijuu systems so far which are mostly BYOND-esque ideas. :/

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How about, the Bijuu's are randomly set on the map, and each village every few days goes on missions for them. When you find it you return back to your kage, and he rewards you with exp blah blah blah. A cutscene with you and the kage, killing it. (killing a bijuu, revives it after a certain timeframe). You can only find 1 bijuu as an exp boost a day. (The bijuu can kill you if you get too close)


This will be very hard to locate, play, and could be worth the exp. Making it hard on everyone to find it.


~ just throwing ideas out

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Ah, it's just that his idea is linked into raiding which is something interesting. I just don't like the - make a few players OP idea. If I execute this, it'll probably be something like Ragnarok's War of Emperium!

Well if you think about it, you could add similar events to my Bijuu suggestion that make few players stronger (not overpowered) so it's not just 9 guys, the more events the more players get a chance to be stronger. IDK where the idea came from though that the Jinchuuriki have to be exactly overpowered though. Limit their powers.
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Why do people think Bijuus and Jinchuuriki should be Overpowered off top, the most balance way a person can be a Jinchuuriki is by giving that person another chakra guage to use.. and maybe some abilities in Jinchuuriki form.

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Now this is just me but here is my idea on the Biju situation. Biju's are monsters that are used in war. Each village in the past went throught great measures to find and capture a beast to increase their own military power. So locking it in a dungeon wouldn't in my opinion be the best idea. I say that instead of that we have a system where a village can go out a capture a bijuu in other words:


Event Appears: The Nine-Tailed Fox has appeared in the valley of death. 


Once everyone in the game sees this then the kages and high ranked ninja will go off to fight it. This means every village has a chance to capture this beast. So maybe people can be transported to the area or walk to this area and once they enter they cant leave or re-enter if they die.  Then the mission becomes kill everyone else while fighting the Beast and defeating it. In other words a PvPvM. The event should only last maybe 20 minutes tops so people dont try and hide all day and avoid fighting or try to last hit the beast. Anyways the village who manages to win or capture the beast will get a temporary xp boost towards the village. The members who survived can get a cool item like the Kyuubi's cloak or something that helps them in combat(may not be permanet) or a hidden scroll. Now once a beast is captured the village has full control over it and they can transfer into a Host(NPC) . That way it can be depolyed in actual war since they are military weapons in the naruto world. Also once its become a jinchuriki other villages can get a mission to kill another villages jinchuriki and once killed it will be released back into the naruto world and the village would lose their perks. This way we can have a continoues cycle and the power can shift from one village to another. Also I would suggest that their be a 1 to 2 ratio on Bijus so if we have 2 villages in the game then we have one one biju possible to attain. Also maybe after a week the Jinchuirki can automatically die and its biju be released.


To me this would be a better use of the bijuus because we dont one over powered people nor do we want the bijuus to just affect exp or money. Need to have a serious advantage for players who are capped since they may be the only people capable of defeating it in the first place.

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Why do people think Bijuus and Jinchuuriki should be Overpowered off top, the most balance way a person can be a Jinchuuriki is by giving that person another chakra guage to use.. and maybe some abilities in Jinchuuriki form.


An extra chakra gauge would not be worth the hassle of capturing it tbh.


Anyways, this thread was designed to provide an alternative to the traditional capturing and harnessing of the Bijuu's powers.  I'd appreciate it if you could keep any talk of capturing/using the powers of a Bijuu out of this thread.

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Just make it harder to seal, like you require a seal lvl of 50 at a 25% chance to capture and then increase it in percentiles like that. Cause I'd expect that sealing fails sometimes, while your group sealing he might kill a member of the sealing team, then your all fucked, that's why you have maybe defenders who stand and take the damage for the sealers, attackers who basically just wear down and distract the monster and medical ninjas who heal everyone alive, and you need people doing all of these r capture will fail and he'll kill everyone.

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This would probably make first village to kill some bijuu op, wouldnt it? They would have 10 000 bijuu and extreme XP boost making them by far strongest village. Maybe making bijuu cap like 7000 or so, because they could just kill one or two bijuus and their village would have much more higher lvl because of the huge boost, therefore dominating other villages and killing more and more bijuus.

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I really like this idea. It's a very good, interesting and funny way of adding Bijuus without making 1 single person OP, and as you said, it would make villages work togheter and plan attacks. In my opinion, it would only make Nin Online even better  ;)

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