Alpha Test 2 - Open Testing Phase


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  On 9/30/2013 at 3:30 AM, Seth said:

Professionalism doesn't account for trouble. You need to understand even large studios like Blizzard and Square Enix had launch issues. We're a team of a few people, who are being expected to pull a miracle here. We cannot account for problems that we cannot foresee.



Sorry, but I feel like I should make something clear(not to be rude). Even though companies or organizations have launch issues their not as consistent as you guys have been. If your not ready then just don't be ready but the fact that y'all keep dragging us along day by day with delays on a day by day basis causes issues within the community. Take Your Time if you need to do another gold & sliver test then do it but this constant disappointment isn't what a group of people as yourselves should be doing. Once again I am not trying to push any buttons but I do suggest that the admins should get together and look at what y'all have and then set a time base where y'all can open the game up to the masses. Until then do private tests and keep up the good work with the dev logs.

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  On 9/30/2013 at 5:24 AM, YamiDragon said:

Sorry, but I feel like I should make something clear(not to be rude). Even though companies or organizations have launch issues their not as consistent as you guys have been.


We understand your concern. That is why we stopped postponing it daily. My point is that we are a small group of volunteers, you cannot expect us to be as professional as companies.

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I'm with what ever, the games production is great so far from what I see. Yes it will take you guy's a while I understand that. I'm happy that you are taking the time to fix all the bug's and error's this will make the game so much more enjoyable when it is released how ever long from now that will be, I don't wanna be to old lol. Im 22 now, so keep that in mind lol.


I just want the game to come out at it's best the testing is killing me because I haven't gotten a chance yet x.x 

But it's fine I understand. You guy's keep working hard I'll be the support ;D

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  On 9/30/2013 at 3:30 AM, Seth said:

Professionalism doesn't account for trouble. You need to understand even large studios like Blizzard and Square Enix had launch issues. We're a team of a few people, who are being expected to pull a miracle here. We cannot account for problems that we cannot foresee.

I never mentioned anything about professionalism. And after the third time, it's more about courtesy than anything else. As crazy as it seems, you have created a game that hundreds of people are anxiously awaiting. I'm sure this is what you and the developement staff wanted all along; a growing player base, am i right? People are actually altering thier schedules in order to play this game (much like going to the midnight premier for larger games). I am a developer myself (everybody says this, just bare with me) trust me, i can relate to "unforeseen circumstances". But if you're finding that you aren't as ready as you thought you were, please push the early release back to a date when you, undoubtedly will be ready. At the end of the day it comes down to responsibility. Writing a few words on the top of the page will cause hundreds of people to stare at thier computer screen for hours. Sorry if i came off ranting, i really appreciate what you guys are doing here though. Watch out for the copyright monster it's the pitfall of great projects like this one.
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  On 9/30/2013 at 10:26 AM, Utsusemi said:

I never mentioned anything about professionalism. And after the third time, it's more about courtesy than anything else. As crazy as it seems, you have created a game that hundreds of people are anxiously awaiting. I'm sure this is what you and the developement staff wanted all along; a growing player base, am i right? People are actually altering thier schedules in order to play this game (much like going to the midnight premier for larger games). I am a developer myself (everybody says this, just bare with me) trust me, i can relate to "unforeseen circumstances". But if you're finding that you aren't as ready as you thought you were, please push the early release back to a date when you, undoubtedly will be ready. At the end of the day it comes down to responsibility. Writing a few words on the top of the page will cause hundreds of people to stare at thier computer screen for hours. Sorry if i came off ranting, i really appreciate what you guys are doing here though. Watch out for the copyright monster it's the pitfall of great projects like this one.



people will complain and have less problems if u just tell us we need to wait 5 days rather then string us along for 4 days.


this is alpha problems r to be expected just next time u find a big/hard to solve one give urself enough time to fix it without us thinking it will be ready b4 it truly is.

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You guys obviously can't handle release dates. So the third inconvenience happened? Sure it may not look very professional, but you have to expect that from a small team. If anything this is a community based game, anyone can help if your good enough. Alpha in gaming terms is only used for development testing only so be grateful. As I told any developer "Don't promise crack to a crackhead because the crackheads will go on a rampage until they get their crack." 

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  On 9/30/2013 at 12:18 PM, Orcnan said:

You guys obviously can't handle release dates. So the third inconvience happened? Sure it may not look very professional, but you have to expect that from a small team. If anything this is a community based game, anyone can help if your good enough. Alpha in gaming terms is only used for development testing only so be grateful. As I told any developer "Don't promise crack to a crackhead because the crackheads will go on a rampage until they get their crack."

I like the quote :). I made the suggestion I made so players don't turn away from the game. It's not that we can't handle deadlines, it's when they are broken that the community becomes bitter. The same way in which a crackhead becomes violent after withholding his crack for too long :). In short, waiting = not a big deal; being led on = frustrating :/ . Once again, I do appreciate the work Admins are doing on this game so I tried to be as constructive as possible. Cheers.
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  On 10/14/2013 at 10:20 AM, Constantine said:

hello , i kinda have a problem.  idk if it is my pc or it is a bug or something in game. but when im out of the academy its really laggy and it takes like 20 seconds for making one step :p and im buged or something because i was doing a quest , i gues her name is taki or somthing infront of the academy. and now if im trying to walk away it puts me back infront of her (still takes 20secs too walk 1 time) i hope u guys understand this a little ? or someone knows what too do?


It might be your pc, or your connection. I'm not sure. It might also just be the game as of now. But I also have similar lag spikes sometimes. What usually fixes the problem in my case, is to stand still for 5-10 seconds, and then try to run again. It usually goes a lot smoother when I do that.


Generally speaking, the game is still in a test phase. So the fact that you're encountering glitches and bugs is very normal. =)


Btw. Next time, you should try to post problems at the support section. ^^ See you in game.

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